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Doubling up on classrooms, using online teachers and turning to support staff: How schools are dealing with the ongoing teacher shortage
Millions of students are returning for another school year marked by challenging teacher shortages, causing schools to double up classrooms, move courses online and employ what

What Teacher Turnover Means for the Upcoming School Year
Districts serving large numbers of students of color and families in poverty are losing the highest number of educators. For many educators, the 2022-2023 school

Five ways the Philadelphia School District could collect better data about struggling schools
Without reliable data, it is impossible to make systemic changes. Last month, Superintendent Tony B. Watlington Sr. released the new district plan intending to make

My school district switched to a 4-day school week. It’s been a game changer for teachers, who were previously leaving our schools in droves.
Gregg Klinginsmith, a Missouri superintendent, switched his district to a 4-day school week in 2019. The district nixed a day in an effort to keep

The Three Pillars of Effective Classroom Management in Schools
As a teacher, you know the thrill of a new day and the satisfaction of preparing for it with care. You have lessons that will

Schools trending towards no homework, no grades in the name of equity
One of the latest teaching trends includes getting rid of grades and homework as part of a push towards achieving equity in the classroom. We’ve

For teachers and students, safe classrooms feel like a fairy tale
I once taught a shooter. He wrote me a scathing letter about my class a year before he murdered his mother and reportedly planned to attack

A District’s Long-Term Investment in Cultivating Future Teachers Is Paying Off
While schools across the country struggle to fill vacant teaching positions, one Texas district is capitalizing on groundwork it laid in 2019 that has led

We need a new school of thought about charter schools
When friends suggested I include charter schools among the places to visit during my recent trip to see innovative learning models in New York City,

Charters succeed at teaching — that’s why their enemies hate them
Faced with the undeniable fact city kids attending charters schools do far better on state exams than those stuck in the regular public-school system, critics

OPINION: America should take a multilingual approach to education
In all of my language-learning experiences, whether that’s taking Japanese in college or learning Spanish in high school, I often ponder what a challenge learning

As threats against teachers increase, we need to redefine what’s off-limits in public schools
The deterioration of boundaries, compounded with poor teaching conditions, leads to a myriad of problems. It’s difficult to create connections, let alone teach content, while